Monday 4 December 2017

It appears that the Governments, banks and businesses around the world are pushing us towards a cashless society!
Why? you may ask yourself.
The argument is, it is convenient, but the truth is it is mostly about control and greed!
Cash is universal and it gives us some degree of privacy about our financial affairs. Also and more importantly, cash is an important safeguard against economic volatility. At times of distress, when confidence in the banking system erodes, people are likely to withdraw cash and hold it. If we have a cashless society, it eliminates the ability of bank account holders to withdraw cash from the bank in a crisis and could create a huge risk with banks holding too much power.
Also, if we went to a cashless society, the amount of unaccounted (black) money would inevitably be reduced and the tax base would increase significantly. By eliminating cash, all transactions have to be linked to a bank account which invariably makes it traceable by the tax departments, whether it be 'black', a gift or inheritance.
The most worrying aspect is, if you don't have a bank account then you have no money; a problem with the banking system, again no money; they block your and again no money.
At present it is estimated that over two billion people don't have bank accounts, so what will these people do? It could mean total exclusion from society for these people.
It would appear that the only real 'winners' from a cashless society will be the banks and Governments and NOT us as individuals as all the advertising suggests!
Wake up and protest against this creeping corporate corruption.

Monday 22 August 2016

What a bunch of cnuts these muslims are!
Aside from the moronic minaret musical masterpieces at dawn, who else in their right minds has to ask for spiritual sustenance five times a day???
Muslims are like mushrooms.....kept in the dark and fed on shit!
The average intellect is roughly similar.
Who else would spend a month starving themselves from dawn to dusk and then pig-out (pun intended) during the night?
Mr Mohamed must be laughing all the way to the virgins bank knowing millions of followers are subscribing to his personal account.
Wake up wankers...and get a life instead of a death.

Friday 29 July 2016

Soldiers of faith

Their murderous enthusiasm is what sets jihadists apart from our own soldiers

One of the things that strike us the most about Muslim combatants fighting for the Islamic State is their suicidal nature. We (erroneously, in my view) believe them to have the desire to die in the act they plan to perpetrate.
There are many facts supporting this mistaken view, such as for instance the death of six terrorists involved in the Madrid commuter train bombings of March 11, 2004. The survivors of that commando committed collective suicide inside a Leganés apartment when they found themselves surrounded by the police.
But obviously, nobody can tell us whether they would have committed suicide anyway. It may have been that just one of them activated the bomb mechanism that took them all out of this world, without consulting with his accomplices. If they had fled all the way there, who is to say that they would not have continued to flee until they reached physical, if not spiritual salvation?
Did the survivors of the Paris killings not flee to Belgium?
The one thing that is clear is that jihadist soldiers try above all not to be made prisoner. They have significant incentives for that, such as the promise of paradise, which will be filled not just with houris (beautiful virgins provided in the afterlife for faithful Muslims) but also with every other conceivable earthly pleasure.
Just like their former leader Bin Laden, terrorists who can do so return home safe and sound in order to enjoy their stay on earth without having to go through the bothersome formality of killing themselves. It remains a fact, however, that suicide is much more frequent among fundamentalist soldiers than among regular soldiers such as European ones.
In order to prepare their minds for the possibility of suicide as a “normal” way out, these individuals require significant psychological priming, which the mosques provide. A good imam offers the faithful troops an enormous amount of energy for the battle. That is why intelligence services are focusing much of their efforts on the religious hangouts of Muslims living in Europe. That should not sound so strange to us. In Spain, there is the not-so-far-off example of the Carlists (supporters of Don Carlos over Isabel II as heir to the Spanish throne) who used to mix religion and battle during the Civil War: “A Requeté who has received communion will attack a man” was a popular saying at the time.
So what distinguishes the Muslim soldier from the others is the fact that he is more enthusiastic about killing. He probably takes on greater risks than normal, but imbues his actions with a much greater homicidal impulse than, say, a police officer entrusted to defend democracy.
Otherwise, there are many elements that should allow us to identify the motives and feelings that move the jihadists. We can turn to a not-too-distant example: the international brigades that came to Spain to fight against fascism.
Many of those that came left comfortable lives behind. And they did it in exchange for nothing. Witnesses said that they were braver than anyone else in combat, honoring their condition as shock troops. Although they were not fighting for a religion, they were fighting for something almost as personally-significant; the vast majority of brigadiers were Communists who were laying their lives on the line for the future Stalin promised them. This is a simplification, but it comes very close to the truth.
On the other side, the most combative troops were those made up of Légionnaires and Moors, which in both cases were mercenary troops who were paid for killing.
So the jihadists who die too late, blowing themselves up with explosive belts after carrying out their murderous acts, are not much different from our own soldiers, except for their determination to kill. A soldier has to kill sometimes. A jihadist soldier has to kill as many infidels and unbelievers as possible.
 And while we’re at it, just think about the “animals” who commit suicide after engaging in gender violence – nobody can say that they killed themselves for any faith.
At the core of this whole story, of this legend that the jihadists have carved out for themselves in the last few years, is this aura they are creating for themselves as courageous fighters who are somehow superior to our own humble freedom-fighting soldiers.
That is simply not so. And understanding that is one of the steps to defeating them.

Tuesday 26 July 2016

The highly intelligent and misrepresented crows, when they collect in numbers, are known by the collective noun as a 'murder' of crows!
Will you join me in my project to re-name them?
The collective noun 'murder will now be attributed to others -A 'murder' of muslims seems to be most appropriate.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Well, what more shock, horror, disgust and sadness can be expressed?
We have been aware for some time that the religious zealots have unleashed the 'dogs of war'and so we must now respond in kind.
NEVER use a muslim shop or any form of service provided by someone of this distorted, 'so-called' religion!
NEVER buy any known product produced by or for them!
NEVER even acknowledge their very existance.
Whilst carrying out these subtle actions, remember to write to your MP and demand action to remove them from our society/country.
Spread the word!
Be prepared!

Thursday 15 October 2015

And REMEMBER folks, Islam is a religion NOT a race!
Therefore, criticise at your are NOT being racist.

Sunday 4 October 2015